To escape from the heat and to keep the body hydrated, here are our tips about which fruit and vegetables to eat this month!
Apricots. With their fairly intense orange skin and flesh and their sugary yet slightly acidic flavour, apricots are a summer fruit featuring a high content of water, vitamins A and C, minerals and fibre. During the rest of the year, they can be found dried or in syrup, jams or marmalades, but also in fruit juices. What’s more, they are used for making ice cream, cakes and desserts, like in our tart made with potato shortcrust pastry, apricots and almonds.
Cherries. A sweet, juicy fruit with a red colour which, depending on the variety, can range from light yellow to amaranth. Like many summer fruits, they contain lots of water and have a good vitamin C and potassium content. In addition to being eaten fresh, they can be preserved in syrup, spirits or Maraschino liqueur. They are also used for making marmalades and juices.
Peaches. They are divided into peaches or nectarines, with their smooth skin, clingstone and common peaches, both with a light, velvety fuzzy covering. They are an aromatic, typically summer fruit with a sweet flavour. They can be eaten on their own, in salads or in fruit salads, with preferably oily fish, but also with roasts and stews. Yellow peaches can also be used for making ice cream, marmalades and desserts.
Aubergines. With their elongated or round shape and usually purplish-black colour, aubergines are a summer vegetable with a slightly bitter flavour, which can only be eaten after cooking. They are also rich in minerals, particularly potassium, but also fibre. They are generally eaten fried, grilled or baked, like in our aubergines stuffed with Arizona potatoes and vegetables.
Cucumbers. With their elongated shape and usually green smooth or bumpy outer surface, cucumbers have whitish flesh and are rich in water, vitamins and minerals. Their texture is also quite crunchy, while they have a refreshing flavour. They are usually eaten fresh in salads, like in our potato salad with radishes and cucumbers.
New potatoes. Their delicate flavour and thin skin characterise these potatoes, perfect for eating without peeling them first. Ideal pan-fried, roasted or boiled, we find them in various summer dishes, such as our Elodie new potato salad with salmon, onion and capers. The varieties typically used for growing new potatoes include Arizona, Elodie, Paradiso, Vogue, Levante and Alouette.
Image: Canva