

and chain traceability

For Romagnoli F.lli, product quality and safety are fundamental and indispensable values.
The quality and safety of Romagnoli products have always been:
  • guaranteed by internal procedures that are constantly reviewed and updated by independent external bodies.
    Romagnoli employees receive specific training in quality, hygiene and food safety procedures;

  • obtained through the scrupulous selection of suppliers, raw materials and packaging, the traceability of the origin of each supply, and logistics that ensure maximum freshness at the point of use;

  • monitored, optimised and subject to continuous innovation through investment in R&D and continuous improvement of the production process. To achieve maximum customer satisfaction, the entire supply chain is subject to improvement and innovation activities, from raw materials to processes, from packaging to distribution.

IFS Global GAP - GRASP Checkfruit  ccpb


Logo Romagnoli

via Quarto di Sopra 1/7
40127 Bologna
Tel. 051 6069611
Fax. 051 6069608
PI 00768160376

Manufacturing plant
via Gino Gabusi, 7
40062 Molinella (BO)
Telefono: 051 6902901
Fax: 051 6902900

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