Ware potatoes



IcoPatate 2022


A brand that guarantees quality

The èVita brand guarantees potatoes from the best Italian production areas, grown from the best varieties for every type of culinary use, in soils selected to ensure healthy products of excellent quality.

èVita potatoes are harvested at the right stage of ripeness so as to maintain the organoleptic and nutritional qualities from farm to fork.





Earth values

The company is a founding member of the Consorzio Patata Italiana di Qualità, owner of the Selenella brand.



Patata di Bologna D.O.P.
Molto più che buona

The company is a founding member of the Consorzio Patata Italiana di Qualità, owner of the Selenella brand. 

Logo Romagnoli

via Quarto di Sopra 1/7
40127 Bologna
Tel. 051 6069611
Fax. 051 6069608
PI 00768160376

Manufacturing plant
via Gino Gabusi, 7
40062 Molinella (BO)
Telefono: 051 6902901
Fax: 051 6902900

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Logo PataBolognaDOP Consorzio 150

Logo Patata di Qualita
Selenella logo

FruitImprese E-R


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