èVita Residue free potatoes
Yellow potatoes perfect for all uses, sustainable and supplied entirely from Italian sources
Romagnoli F.lli Spa's èVita Residue-Free* potatoes are obtained by combining varieties that are naturally tolerant to the main diseases that affect the crop and through codified farming practices which use very low-residue chemical molecules and minimise the need for chemical treatments during cultivation. A sustainable production method that balances the protection of crops, the environment and natural resources, and people's health.
"Residue Free" certification issued by the Check Fruit certification body was achieved thanks to research carried out together with Legambiente, which entailed selecting potato varieties with a natural tolerance to downy mildew - a crop blight that is the target of most of the chemical treatments applied during cultivation -, high organoleptic qualities and excellent flavour, in areas most suited to potato cultivation in Italy. Places where farmers are sensitive to the issues of environmental sustainability have achieved this amazing result.
Ideal steamed or boiled to enrich tasty salads, make dumplings, soups and purees, or baked to make delicious side dishes.
èVita Residue-Free yellow potatoes are obtained from non-GMO crops, grown exclusively in Italy, from a 100% certified supply chain.
The èVita Residue-Free variety is available with two different packaging:
the SormaVertbag and the innovative SormaVertbag Peel.
Available weights
SormaVertbag: Kg 1,000 – 1,250 – 1,500
SormaVertbag Peel: Kg 1,000 – 1,250 – 1,500.
Learn more about the research and development that led to the creation of our èVita Residue-Free potatoes.
*Chemical residues permitted by law below the limits of analytical determination (0.01 ppm) and residues of plant protection substances authorised for use in organic farming (according to Annex II of EC Reg. 889/2008) up to a maximum of 50% of the Maximum Residue Limit.