Our fourth Sustainability Report outlines the initiatives and numbers that reflect the journey undertaken, the values that inspire it and the commitment in terms of social, economic and environmental sustainability that characterises our business.
As a family business, active for three generations, we at Romagnoli establish relationships of trust and responsibility with the people who work with us and with the entire community to which we feel we belong.
As well as continuously striving to improve our performance in terms of sustainability, we also seek to develop and confirm increasingly lasting and transparent relationships with all our stakeholders.
Sustainable supply chain and product responsibility
Romagnoli recognises the importance of the agribusiness supply chain and the strategic role it can play in improving the profitability of agricultural production and in ensuring a more equitable distribution of added value to all the players involved.
Romagnoli is actively invested in the construction of a supply chain and business partnerships based on dialogue, transparency and respect, establishing relationships of mutual fairness.
Environmental responsibility
Romagnoli makes decisions aimed at containing and reducing the environmental impact of its production activities, well aware of its social and ethical responsibilities to the communities in which it operates or from which it draws resources.
Romagnoli is strongly committed to the adoption and implementation of agronomic protocols aimed at the responsible and rational use of pesticides to ensure a safe product and limit the environmental impact of its activities. Such protocols include the Integrated Production Guidelines and the Residue Free protocol, which provides for production free from chemical residues.
Romagnoli considers its people to be its most valuable assets for the existence and future development of the business. For the Company, caring for people is embodied in the day-to-day creation of a positive work environment within which everyone can develop and enhance their skills and abilities and is fairly compensated.