Following their launch on the market at the start of the year, Romagnoli F.lli S.p.A. èVita Residue-Free* potatoes, born out of the combination of resistant varieties and environmentally friendly growing techniques, are now being grown in the most suitable areas of Italy to guarantee consumers a safe and sustainable product all year round, made with respect for natural resources and biodiversity.
Focusing on sustainability has long been a growing trend among Italian consumers, increasingly influencing their purchasing decisions, and the health emergency seems to have strengthened this trend even further. According to a recent survey by the Capgemini Research Institute, 67% of consumers say they will pay more attention to the shortage of natural resources, while 65% will pay more attention to the impact of their consumption.
“Companies today are being called to promote responsible production methods, which protect the environment and at the same time guarantee safe, high-quality products, recognising the proper value of everyone involved in the supply chain”, emphasised Giulio Romagnoli, the CEO of Romagnoli F.lli S.p.A. “The research path which has allowed us to create a new generation of potatoes naturally tolerant to the main diseases – primarily downy mildew – and ‘Residue-Free’ potatoes comes from this commitment. We hope that our experience can be a model to help spread a production system that protects both the environment and the value of all those involved, from producers to supermarkets”.
Check Fruit-certified èVita Residue-Free potatoes – 100% Italian and exclusively produced by GLOBALG.A.P.-certified farms – have been created by the research we have conducted with Legambiente and Tuscia University. They are available all year round as we grow them in the best production areas in Italy: from the fertile coastal areas of the province of Syracuse to the Fiumicino coastline in Lazio, right up to around Emilia-Romagna and, finally, the Fucine area.
èVita Residue-Free potatoes are available in 1 kg packs at some of the major supermarket chains in northern and central Italy.
*"Residue Free": residues from chemical products permitted by law whose levels fall below the limits of analytical determination (0.01 ppm) and, when used, residues from phytosanitary substances that are authorised for use in organic farming, pursuant to Annex II of Reg. EC 889/2008, up to a maximum of 50% of the MRL (Maximum Residue Limit).