Romagnoli F.lli Spa’s potato harvest for 2018/2019 has come to a more than positive end.
Our sales policy, organisation, strong supply chain integration, and excellent quality have been our strengths for this year’s harvest. They have led us to achieve great results in terms of the value assigned to the potatoes designated to the deposit account for the Framework for Delivering Potatoes for Fresh Consumption 2017/2020 Agreement. Our prime-quality product was valued at 340 euro/tonne (0.34 euro/kg), which is a more than 40% increase compared with the previous 2017/18 harvest.
These results were achieved thanks to a year filled with challenges, which involved us having to be innovative with our potato varieties, agronomic methods, and procedures – including processes and products recognised by international certifications, such as the International Featured Standards (IFS) Food, and the Option 2 GlobalG.A.P. and GRASP certifications – as well as making investments, including strengthening our organisational structure, growing our human resources, and increasing the amount of premium products that we sell. The company has been working to bring new meaning to quality, the territory, and sustainability. The achievement of this goal can also be seen from the success of brands such as Selenella® and Patata di Bologna D.O.P., both of which are consortia that Romagnoli F.lli Spa was a founding member of.
A system-based success, made possible thanks to the way we organise our one-of-a-kind supply chain. This is based on how we monitor all of its stages and how all of those involved share a series of common goals; these are the true strengths of our system here in Emilia-Romagna.
We also have a strong team of technical staff, who accompany producers throughout all production stages. They have also helped to spread the use of higher-performing cultivars and new and increasingly sustainable farming techniques.
And lastly, of great important is our continued experimentation and variety selection work, which the company is pursuing together with its Dutch partners: more than 50 field experiments are set up every year in Italy. In this regard, a major experiment is currently being carried out, in collaboration with Agrico, on a new generation of naturally grown potatoes.