The second showing of “Music that Helps” will take to the stage on Thursday 23rd May at the Bristol Theatre in Bologna – at 9.00 p.m., in Via Toscana 146. This is a charity performance that supports the social welfare work of the Committee of Bologna of the Italian Red Cross.
Following on from the previous show in Medicina (BO) on 11th April, Romagnoli F.lli Spa will also be sponsoring the event in Bologna, providing funds that support the organisation’s work. This confirms their support towards a great initiative, which at the same time is an opportunity to show a commitment towards the most fragile amongst us and to share within the community.
Livening up the evening on Thursday 23rd May will be Doctor Life, a live band launched by Lucio Dalla and made up of six doctors and one “patient”, with their show Vacci!, which tackles the subject of vaccinations in a funny but non-superficial way. The show will see an extraordinary contribution from television presenter and actor Giorgio Comaschi and actress Francesca Pierantoni, who will be narrators, and from world-renowned saxophonist Andrea Innesto. The event’s direction was entrusted to Alex Righi.
Entrance tickets cost 10 euro, and tickets can be bought at the offices of the Italian Red Cross in Bologna, in Via Emilia Ponente 56 and Via Del Cane 9, from 9.00 a.m. until 5.00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
For further information:
Tel.: 051 6769428