While getting up in the morning is often a struggle for many of us, it can be even worse at this time of year. In fact, the beautiful season brings with it warm sunshine but also “spring sickness”, when we generally feel tired and drowsy, and have problems sleeping and concentrating.
Here are a few tips to help your body to adapt to the new season by feeling more energetic and full of life.
Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Your diet is essential for staying strong and healthy. It is particularly important to eat enough fruit, vegetables and pulses. Take advantage of the delights of this season to start the day with a fruit-based breakfast and avoid heavy dishes at dinner: have some vegetables as a side dish with your main course and go for fruit for a snack.
Go to bed at the same time. To help your body get into a good sleep-wake cycle and to rest better, always try to go to bed around the same time and remember to switch off your mobile phone, tablet and computer at least two hours before going to sleep.
Make time to relax. No matter what you have to do during the day, make time every day to relax and spend it doing whatever keeps you calm: find an hour to pamper your body, read a book or listen to some music.
Get some exercise. Get some exercise, whether it is in the morning, during your lunch break or after work: a quick set of sit-ups, fast jogging on the spot or a stretching session, especially if you spend lots of time sitting down, any of this can be enough to make you feel more energetic. It can be tough at the beginning, but it will become part of your routine in a few days.
Get some sunshine. Just 15 minutes of sunshine a day are enough to improve your mood and stimulate the synthesis of vitamin D, which is essential for absorbing calcium. Come on, go to the window and let your body enjoy the benefits of some natural light!