During the holidays, it’s easier to give in to little culinary delights… Then January comes around with all its good resolutions and reminds us that it’s time to get back to a healthier, more balanced diet. Want a few examples? Read more here.
Low-fat yoghurt. Perfect for breakfast and a mid-afternoon snack, natural yoghurt – together with a few teaspoons of linseeds – is a good compromise to stay in shape without sacrificing any flavour.
Vegetable smoothies. It’s a thumbs up for fresh vegetable smoothies for a host of vitamins, flavour and energy. Parsley, celery, courgettes, cucumber, but also spinach, apples and little mint leaves: choose your favourites, there’s something for all tastes.
Cleansing herbal teas. Cleansing herbal teas have an important diuretic effect, which is useful for getting rid of toxins that have built up. Among the many options, we recommend nettle, dandelion and birch.
Boiled vegetables. Low in calories yet rich in vitamins, boiled vegetables are an excellent compromise for getting the body back used to eating the right amount of food. Carrots, potatoes, broccoli and cabbage are readily available at this time of year, but be careful not to go overboard with the condiments, otherwise you could spoil your efforts.
By watching what you eat and getting regular exercise, you’ll get back in shape in no time at all and you’ll feel all the better for it!